How to Deal with Your Gambling Cravings

How to Deal with Your Gambling Cravings

A good way to deal with a gambling habit is to start to analyze what triggers the urge to gamble. You can remove the element in your personal situation that will trigger gambling.

One way is to let someone else handle your money. This way, there is no way you can resume your gambling habits. That person will normally ask you why you need the money suddenly and will not allow you to get hold of any amount. Asking for money for no apparent reason triggers a warning signal that you are about to gamble again.

Another way is to occupy your mind with other things, such as taking up a new exercise regimen. This will distract you and let you forget all those gambling thoughts. By doing something else, there is almost no more time to be spent on gambling. After a while, you will not feel the urge to gamble at all. You will feel tired and exhausted after the exercise and you will have practically no energy left to go to a casino anymore.

Try to visualize what happens when you gamble again. Gamblers always tell themselves that they will gamble just for this one last time. Think what happens afterwards after losing all that money again. The things you could have bought and the bills that would have been paid with that lost money. Worse, think about how you will feel with all that guilty and shameful emotions. You have let down not only yourself but your loved ones for one more time. You will experience withdrawal symptoms. This is called auto-suggestion and is a great way towards giving you a harsh reality check.

When the urge to gamble is very strong, try to think for awhile and do nothing. This will help you to delay your actions and lets you call a friend or someone who is sympathetic. Tell that friend or trusted relative what your problem is and ask for support from link alternatif Sbobet; if they are suffering from any financial crisis and want to have a delight source of income without spending much amount of cash; that will help them to make money just by doing some work online. That friend could invite you to somewhere else such as watching a movie, go to a park, attend a concert or just visit you at home for a serious talk. This will eliminate the craving to gamble and gradually the urge will subside and disappear. The only critical time is the first few minutes when the urge to gamble is very great.

There are other ways you can imagine or invent that will prevent you from resuming gambling activities. Similar to nicotine addiction, a gambling addiction requires tremendous willpower. It cannot be stopped immediately but one should realize that like any other type of addiction, gambling will take some time to eliminate. Just as the addiction took months or years to develop, its elimination will also take more or less the same amount of time, probably even longer to eradicate completely.